Implementing Perimeter Networks and Network Templates

What Are Network Templates?
ISA Server 2004 can be deployed in any of the perimeter network configurations. To simplify the deployment, ISA Server 2004 includes several network templates that you can use to configure ISA Server based on one of the perimeter network scenarios. A network template is stored in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that includes the following:

1- Networks and network sets
2- Network rules that describe the relationships between networks and network sets
3- Access rule elements
4- Access rules

To apply a network template, run the Network Template Wizard. When you run the wizard, you can choose the level of access that will be enabled between networks. For example, you may want internal users to be able to access resources on the Internet using all protocols, but only use HTTP or HTTPS to access the perimeter network. The access rules created by the wizard are based on the level of access you grant.

ISA Server Template Types
ISA Server 2004 provides the following templates:
- Edge Firewall This template assumes a network topology with ISA Server configured as a bastion host. One network interface is connected to the internal network, the other is connected to an external network (Internet). When you select this template, you can allow all outgoing traffic, or limit outgoing traffic to allow only Web access.

- 3-Leg Perimeter This template assumes a network topology with ISA Server configured as the firewall for a three-leg perimeter configuration. In this configuration, ISA Server has three network interfaces, one connected to the internal network, one connected to the external network, and one connected to a perimeter network.

- Front End This template assumes a network topology with ISA Server at the edge of a network, with another firewall configured at the back end, protecting the internal network.

- Back End This template assumes a network topology with ISA Server deployed between a perimeter network and the internal network, with another firewall located between the perimeter network and the Internet.

- Single Network Adapter This template assumes a single network adapter configuration within a perimeter or corporate network. In this configuration, ISA Server is used as a Web proxy and caching server.
