MCP 70-299 : 8 - Planning and Configuring IPSec

Lesson 3: Configuring IPSec

IP Filters :

IP filters describe network traffic and are used by IPSec policies to determine whether an IP security rule should apply to an individual packet. IP filters can specify traffic to or from a set of IP addresses, WINS servers, DNS servers, DHCP servers, or a default gateway. You can also configure an IP filter to match a packet’s source or destination port number, or even a packet’s IP protocol number. Each of the following examples can be specified by either a single IPSec IP filter or a combination of multiple filters:
■ All traffic to or from IP address
■ All Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic to or from the default gateway
■ All traffic sent to TCP port 80, except traffic sent from the internal network
■ All outbound connections, except those to specific servers
Multiple IP filters can be combined into an IP filter list. In fact, adding an IP filter to an IP filter list is the only thing you can do with an IP filter, because IPSec policies only allow you to specify IP filter lists. If your needs are simple, you can make an IP filter list that consists of a single IP filter. However, most IP filter lists will consist of multiple IP filters.

Filter Actions :

You use filter actions, also referred to as security methods, to define how an IPSec policy should handle traffic that matches an IP filter. A filter action responds in one of three ways: it drops the traffic, it allows the traffic, or it attempts to negotiate security. If you choose the Permit or Block options for a filter action, there is nothing left to configure. In fact, you never need more than one filter action for each of the Permit and Block options.

There are several additional settings to consider when you configure a filter action to negotiate security. First, you must choose whether the server will allow communications with clients that do not support IPSec by selecting or clearing the Allow Unsecured Communication With Non-IPSec-Aware Computers check box. You can only require IPSec when you have only IPSec-enabled all client computers. Otherwise, clients without IPSec will be denied access to the server. Generally, this setting is enabled only when Active Directory is used to deploy IPSec configuration settings to all networked computers.
You should use the Filter Action Wizard to configure filter actions whenever possible, because configuring integrity and encryption settings can be complicated. The IP Traffic Security page of the wizard enables you to specify the protection suites associated with the filter action. You can choose Integrity And Encryption, Integrity Only, or Custom. If you select Integrity And Encryption, the wizard configures the filter action with ESP-based integrity verification (using Secure Hash Algorithm 1 [SHA1] by default) and encryption (using 3DES by default). If you select Integrity Only, Triple-Data Encryption Standard (3DES) encryption is disabled.

IP Security Rules :

An IP security rule consists of an IP filter list, a filter action, and, optionally, a connection type and tunnel endpoint. You can specify only one IP filter list and one filter action per rule. If the rule pertains to traffic traveling between networks across an IPSec tunnel, you should provide the IP address of the tunnel endpoint. This does not conflict with your ability to add IP filter lists; you can configure an endpoint and apply the rule only to traffic on a specific subnet within the destination network accessible through the IPSec tunnel.
The default response rule is used to configure the computer to respond to requests for secure communication when no other rules match the traffic. If an active policy does not have a rule defined for a computer that is requesting secure communication, the default response rule is applied and security is negotiated. For example, when Computer A communicates securely with Computer B, and Computer B does not have an inbound filter defined for Computer A, the default response rule is used.

Configuring IP Security Policies with Graphical Tools :

IP filters, filter actions, and IP security rules are only useful when added to an IP security policy. When configuring IP security policies on the local computer, you can use the IP Security Policy Management snap-in. You can also use the Group Policy Object Editor snap-in to edit either local or domain GPOs. In the Group Policy Object Editor, expand Computer Configuration, Windows Settings, Security Settings, and then click either IP Security Policies On Local Computer or IP Security Policies On Active Directory. Because this node might have several different labels, this chapter will refer to it
as simply IP Security Policies.
To create a new security policy, right-click the applicable IP Security Policies node in the Group Policy Object Editor or IP Security Policy Management snap-in, and then click Create IP Security Policy. This opens the IP Security Policy Wizard, which guides you through the process of creating a security policy.
During the configuration process, you will be prompted to activate the default response rule. In most cases, you should enable the default response rule. If you do, you will be prompted to select an authentication method. For more information about rules, see the section "IP Security Rules" in this lesson.

Configuring IP Security Policies with Command-Line Tools :

Though you should usually use graphical tools to configure IP security policies, Windows Server 2003 also provides the Netsh command-line tool for scripting IPSec configuration. Netsh is a native Windows Server 2003 command-line scripting tool that you can use to display or modify the local or remote network configuration. The Netsh IPSec commands cannot be used on any other version of Windows.
To use the command line to configure IPSec policies on computers running Windows XP, use Ipseccmd.exe, which is provided on the Windows XP CD, in the \Support\Tools folder. To use the command line to configure IPSec policies on computers running Windows 2000, use Ipsecpol.exe, which is provided with the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit.
To use Netsh interactively to view or modify IPSec settings, open a command prompt and run the command Netsh with no parameters. This starts the Netsh interactive command prompt. Then type Ipsec static or Ipsec dynamic to set the context for Netsh. For example, the following commands launch Netsh and set the context to Ipsec dynamic:

netsh ipsec>static
netsh ipsec static>

Static mode allows you to create, modify, and assign policies without affecting the active IPSec policy. Dynamic mode allows you to display the active state and immediately implement changes to the active IPSec policy. Dynamic Netsh commands affect the service only when it is running. If it is stopped, dynamic policy settings are discarded.
